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Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni review: All the trimmings of the best robot vacuums and mops for less

Our Rating :
£799.00 from
Price when reviewed : £799
inc VAT

The Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omini vacuums and mops pretty well while packing several handy features, but it isn’t without flaws


  • Decent everyday cleaning
  • Easy to use
  • Superior object avoidance


  • Struggled with tougher tests
  • Disliked the kitchen cupboard overhang
  • App over-simplifies map

There are a few key features that have set the best combi-robot vacuum and mops apart from the pack in the last few years. The Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni has gathered them all into one convenient package.

The robot itself is at the cutting edge of cleaning features, with huge suction power, an anti-tangle roller and dual rotating mop pads. It comes with a base station that charges the robot, empties the collection bin, keeps it topped up with water and washes its mop pads.

Every other robot I’ve seen with similar features has launched at a price over £1,000. Eufy is launching this model at £799. That’s quite a step forward in terms of affordability, so can it still compete with pricier rivals?

Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni review: What do you get for the money?

Open the box of the Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni and there’s an obvious corner that has been cut to help it hit its low price: there are no spares. Most robots come with a smattering of bits and bobs, such as spare mopping pads, replacement filters and additional bags for the self-emptying station. The X10 comes with none of these, with only the robot, the base station and a power cord in the box.

That’s the first and only nod to economising that I found, though. The robot and the base station are all plastic on the outside but they have a heft of solid quality about them, and I’ve yet to review a robot vacuum cleaner that’s made from anything else.

Connect the base plate to the base station and its dimensions are 365 x 472 x 460mm (WDH). That may sound large, but the base plate extends out for the robot to rest on, while the depth of the tower above is only 222mm at its deepest.

Compared to the enormous base station of the Ecovacs Deebot X1 Omni, which measures 448 x 430 x 578mm, it’s positively svelte, despite cramming the same two water tanks and a self-emptying vacuum into the equation. Eufy has squashed the tanks onto one side and the self-emptying station to the other, whereas the Ecovacs model has its tanks stacked above the self-emptying mechanism. The Eufy’s water tanks are smaller as a result, but you’ll still get plenty of mopping done before they need attention.

In numbers, the station’s stats are still impressive. The self-emptying bags can take 2.5l of dirt. Eufy suggests this should be large enough to keep the robot going for two months before it needs changing. The water tanks take 3l of water, which should be enough to mop around 450m2 before the clean tank needs refilling and the dirty tank needs emptying.

The robot itself is 325 x 340 x 110mm (WDH). That’s at the tall end of the scale for robot vacuums and this has its problems – it wasn’t particularly happy to go all the way under my kitchen cupboards (which are 100mm off the floor), so didn’t always sweep right up to the kickboards, even though the base section has at least 7mm of clearance and can easily get underneath.

Eufy quotes the vacuum suction as 8,000Pa, which makes it one of the most powerful robot vacuum cleaners I’ve tested to date. Although you can control the power settings in the app (choosing between Quiet, Standard, Turbo and Max modes), it’s worth noting that even on Max the robot appears to crank the suction up another notch when it detects carpet. This means you may not always be able to access its full suction at all times.

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Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni review: What is it like to use?

As usual with Eufy Clean robots, the X10 Pro Omni is a breeze to set up and use, thanks to the Eufy Clean app. This works on Android and iOS and will detect the robot you’re trying to set up when you run the app in reasonably close proximity. Give the robot the password for your Wi-Fi and the rest of the setup happens automatically.

The app is the same for all of Eufy’s robots, with different options dropped in and taken out depending on the functions of your robot. Sitting at the top of the range, the X10 Omni Pro goes all in.

I’m not going to list every option available here, but you can switch between simply setting the robot off to do its own thing or micromanage every last detail of your cleaning. It handles multiple maps easily, so you can pop the robot upstairs for a clean without having to move the base station or reset your map. All the settings and controls are well laid out and organised, so it’s easy to find the tools you’re looking for.

As I’ve commented on before with the Eufy app, it’s also developing over time. There are features here that were optional “experimental” tools when I tested the Eufy X9 Pro robot, in the form of Edge-Hugging Mopping. This swings the robot’s rear end towards the wall when cleaning the perimeter of an area, getting the mopping pads closer to the edges than it would by simply driving forward perpendicularly to the wall.

Now there are more new beta tools to try, including a way of keeping tabs on the liquid in the clean water tank, and a slightly odd tracking feature, which will have your robot follow you if you tap it with your foot, so you can lead it to where you need it to clean.

The only problem I have with the app is that the map simplifies the floor plan, presumably to make it easier on the eye. I know the Lidar will have created a highly detailed map of every nook and cranny in my house, and other robot vacuum cleaners will show that detail on the map. This can make it easier to send a robot to specific areas to clean, as you can use them to help you navigate between your house and the map when asking the robot to go and tackle a specific area, such as an alcove that a pet sleeps in or a mat in a doorway.

The Eufy app removes these to make rooms look more uniform. It also fails to acknowledge that my breakfast bar is a solid object that sits in the middle of my kitchen, which again makes it harder to accurately set the robot to clean around it.

One of the highlights of using the X10 Pro Omni is its ability to take care of itself. The base station empties the collection bin, keeps the robot topped up with water, washes through the mop pads, dries them afterwards and performs an anti-tangle clean on the roller.

During setup I chose to let the robot know I had a pet in the house, and this ramps up the self-cleaning somewhat, with the robot returning automatically to empty its bin and rinse through its mopping pads every 15 minutes. This slows down the cleaning process but, if you have a house that gets very dirty very quickly, regular empties may help. Either way, as with every other setting, you can adjust the return time or switch it off completely in the app.

What’s less appealing is the automated mop pad drying. While I like that it won’t leave your pads damp and musty, the drying period is three hours, during which time the base station produces an audible fan noise. It’s not offensively loud but it’s there, and the constant hum might annoy you if it’s in the same room that’s used for watching TV, for example.

Consumables can be purchased through Eufy’s website, with replacement bags for the self-emptying station costing £10 for two or £30 for six, and a pair of replacement mop pads (which are washable but will need replacing at some point) costing £15. You can also buy replacement filters, sweeper brushes, rollers and batteries, and even bottles of compatible cleaning solution if you find that water alone isn’t working hard enough to mop your floor.

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Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni review: Is it good at finding its way around?

One of the key features of the Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni is its “AI.see” object detection. This has caught up with iRobot’s Roombas in terms of its ability to detect and avoid obstacles that shouldn’t be there, whether they be dropped socks or pet poo.

I test object detection with a trio of obstacles – a sock, a smartphone charging cable and a convincing-looking pretend poo. To its credit, the X10 spotted and avoided all three, correctly identifying the cable and the poo and reporting its findings back to the app. It also circumnavigated the sock even though it didn’t recognise it as an object in its library.

The combination of the camera and the Lidar gives the X10 an accurate view of its surroundings. I found that the robot can work out its location quickly and efficiently, and easily navigates between rooms and the base station. This gives it a decent average vacuuming speed of just over one minute per square metre.

Eufy_Clean_X10_Pro_Omni-Average_speedIt also helps the robot behave well around furniture. When obstacles such as chair or table legs are in clear view as the robot approaches, it appears to avoid contact entirely, coming very close but not hitting the obstacle. It occasionally clipped odd-shaped legs if caught from a peripheral angle, but the front bumper stops this from becoming a damaging collision.

I also saw no problems with mounting passable obstructions, and it performed well in typical robot trapping situations, such as between table legs. When it did find itself in tight spots with no obvious exit, it usually managed to get out the way it came in.

Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni review: How well does it clean?

With both a vacuum and a mop on board, the Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni was subjected to the full suite of controlled spillages. Dry vacuuming is tested with measured quantities of rice, flour and pet hair so I can assess exactly how much the robot picks up when sent out to tackle it. These tests are run on both carpet and hard floor.

The rice tests went well, with the X10 collecting 98% of the rice I split on a hard floor and 97% from a carpet. This is above average.

Flour is a tougher task. On the hard floor, it only collected 52% of the spill, while on the carpet it managed only 43%. This is well below average, and a disappointing anomaly in our cleaning tests that knocked it back when compared to its rivals, as you can see from the chart below.

Eufy_Clean_X10_Pro_Omni-Average_speedIt fared better in the pet hair test, collecting 72% on hard floor and an impressive 93% on carpet. The smooth surface of the hard floor saw hair gather in clumps, get pushed forward by the sweeper and caught on the front of the robot, rather than being sucked underneath.

To test the mop I created three spill zones of tomato ketchup, blackcurrant squash and a muddy footprint. These were left to dry to make the test more challenging. I then set the robot to its hardest-working mopping pattern, which involves tight cornering so that the dirt gets more time under the mop pads, and maximum water flow.

This did the trick straight away for the mud and the dried squash, both of which were removed in a single cleaning mission. The ketchup was more stubborn, with only a small amount removed after the first clean. It took a little bit away each time I sent it out, though, and eventually took eight goes to completely remove the stain. That’s more than its rivals, which have tended to remove ketchup in two or three goes.

Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni review: Should I buy it?

The Eufy Clean X10 Pro Omni has a lot going for it. It has a full house of features, with all the bells and whistles I would expect to see in a top-of-the-range robot. However, it has launched at a more affordable price, which puts less well-equipped robots to shame. It’s also the first robot I’ve seen with an object avoidance system that performs as well as the excellent system used on the iRobot Roomba j9+.

It’s a good cleaner when it comes to everyday tasks, with a decent vacuum and a rotating mop pad system. The latter is so much better than the dragged cloth method that most affordable mop and vac combo robots use. The X10 fell behind its rivals when challenged by Expert Reviews’ toughest tests, but performed well overall, particularly when tackling the basics.

I’ve only tested two other robots that have a do-it-all base station like the X10’s. The Ecovacs Deebot X1 Omni is the best performing, but it comes with an enormous base station that you might not want to have occupying such a large portion of your house. The other is the iRobot Roomba Combo j9+. This keeps the robot filled with water and empty of dirt and dust, but it doesn’t clean its own mop pad like the X10.

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